It truly is the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most dangerous when it comes to your kids teeth. Most folks over-indulge from November to the end of December making promises to the mirror that it will be diet time come January, but your kids teeth are an entirely different story.
Cookies, candies, cakes, gingerbread, candy canes, peanut brittle, and all of those sweet treats could mean that you will be spending most of January with your Chicago 60611 Kids Dentist, but it does not have to be that way.
Even if you do try to limit the amount of sugar your children consume, it is tough during the holidays, and it can be just as difficult to monitor everything your kids put into their mouths, especially when Grandma and Aunt Susie are in town.
While sweets are fine in moderation your Magnificent Mile Kids Dentist will tell you that sugar has been linked to tooth decay, pediatric obesity, and even heart disease. Some research has indicated that it can also be a trigger for Type 2 diabetes in children. According to your Kids Dentist in Chicago, it will not take long for tooth decay to set in, and if your kid’s teeth are problematic as it is, you could be asking for trouble.
Sugar produces an over abundance of bacteria, which feeds on the sweet treats that are eaten. Those harmful acids start to form and will begin to wear down the enamel on your kids teeth. Once the enamel starts to weaken, your children will be a target for gingivitis and cavities.
Those holiday parties and family gatherings can be tough, but it is possible for you and the rest of the clan to set up some reasonable limits. If a buffet is on the menu for Christmas dinner, make sure that you show your kids what sweets are allowed and how many they can have. Include lots of fruits and veggies and tell your children that they have to eat the good stuff before they can eat any sweet treats.
Your Kids Dentist in the Magnificent Mile in Downtown Chicago also recommends that you carry a couple of travel-sized toothbrush kits in your bag and encourage your children to eat cookies, candies, cakes, and other treats along with a healthy meal. Carbs, fruits and veggies produce saliva, which helps to digest the food more quickly.
It is nearly impossible to avoid those delicious sweet treats during the holidays, but you can be ahead of the game if you schedule an appointment with the best Kids Dentist in Magnificent Mile, Chicago Kids DDS.