Spring is only a few weeks away, and if your kids participate in individual or group sports, it is essential that you schedule an appointment with your Pediatric Magnificent Mile Dentist in Chicago.
Your 60611 Kids Dentist understands that mouth guards are just as important as pads and helmets. With more than 25 million kids participating in sports, there is a larger chance of injury. Sports such as football, soccer, and wrestling account for more than 40 percent of unintentional injuries. Of that 40 percent, half are mouth injuries with dental injuries leading the pack. According to the American Dental Association, athletes, including children are 65 times more likely to injure their teeth and gums if they are not wearing mouth guards. Unfortunately, often times those injuries will result in some sort of permanent damage requiring medical intervention.
Your Chicago Magnificent Mile Kids Dentist says that tooth injuries are grouped into three categories. Fractures, Avulsions and Luxation. All three of these types of injuries are serious and need to be taken care of immediately. Contact your Kids Dentist in Chicago as quickly as possible as time is critical when it comes to handling any type of dental injury. Never wait until the game is over to seek treatment from your Chicago Kids Dentist, as your kids will get the best results within two hours of the incident.
Properly fitted mouth guards will help prevent dental injuries, in fact, mouth guards have been shown to reduce concussions as well.
According to the American Dental Association, mouth guards should be worn for group sports such as field hockey, ice hockey, football, water polo, baseball, wrestling, soccer, and lacrosse. If your kids are involved in martial arts, skateboarding, roller, or inline skating, gymnastics, skiing, squash, track and field, or volleyball you should also contact your Chicago Magnificent Mile Kids Dentist for a mouth guard fitting.
There are three types of mouth guards available for your kids. These include stock mouth guards, boil and bite mouth guards and custom-made mouth guards made and fitted by your Pediatric Magnificent Mile Dentist in Chicago.
Damaged teeth will not grow back and if you want to feel comfortable when your kids hit the playing field this spring, contact your Chicago Kids Dentist for a mouth guard fitting appointment today.